• Contract drafting skills and the art of drafting arbitration agreements


    ​Gentlemen/ Members of the Chamber


    Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards. It informs you of receiving the letter of the Charitable Society for Orphans Care in the Eastern Region No. (2011) and the date (5/31/2022 AD), in which it is indicated that the Society launched the "Deduction" initiative, which allows the Chamber’s subscribers to sponsor orphans through the daily subscription service Or weekly or monthly. We are happy through the following link to the introductory guide for the initiative (https://2u.pw/jb9qj).​ 

    Sincerely yours


  • Contract drafting skills and the art of drafting arbitration agreements


    ​Gentlemen/ Members of the Chamber


    Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards, and informs you that it has received the letter of the Federation of Saudi Chambers No. (43104606), dated (13/11/1443 AH), in which reference is made to the letter of the Federation of Chambers of the Gulf Cooperation Council No. (A / G / C / 168) and dated (29/5) / 2022 AD), Regarding their submission from the Commercial Arbitration Center in the Gulf Cooperation Council States "Dar Al-Qarar", regarding the center’s intention to organize a training program (contract drafting skills and the art of drafting arbitration agreements) to be held (in attendance) at the center’s headquarters in the Kingdom of Bahrain during the period from 19 to 22 June 2022 AD. To register and obtain more information, you can contact the Training Department of the Center at (+973) 17278005-17278017 or via the WhatsApp service (0097339290859) - e-mail (training@gccac.org) Or through the website www.gcccac.org​ 

    Sincerely yours


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